Kinfolk, Ancestors, History & Stories


Kinfolk & Ancestors

NC History

KY & NM History


Bible Records




Unknown Photos

Death Certificates

Last Name First Name MiddleName Sex Occupation Born Place Of Birth Died Age Place Of Death Marital Status Spouse Father Mother Buried At Informant
Bivens Alice Hoyle F Housewife 23 Jan 1881 NC 1 Jan 1954 72Y Shelby, Cleveland Co, NC M
Azor Hoyle Jane Cook St. Paul, Cleveland Co, NC JW Bivens
Carter Robert Pinkney M Farmer 26 July 1890 Cleveland Co, NC 6 Sept 1947 57Y 1M 10D Shelby, Cleveland Co, NC W Luella Carter Lee Carter Maggie Peeler Zion hill, Cleveland Co, NC Mrs. Rena Bradshaw
Carter William J M Farmer 8 Sept 1845 Cleveland Co, NC 11 Apr 1924 78Y 7M 9D #8, Cleveland Co, NC M Susan Carter W.J. Carter Amie Hasting Family Cemetery Joe Carter
Fortenberry Mary Ann F Housekeeper
Cleveland Co, NC 12 Feb 1930 abt 73 Duncans Creek, Rutherford Co, NC W A M Fortenberry David Jones Polly ?
Johnnie Fortenberry
Hudson John
M Farmer 1881 Burke Co, NC 7 Nov 1955
Casar, Cleveland Co, NC M
Ambrose Hudson Rhoda Johnson Mt Zion, Cleveland Co, NC Mrs. John Hudson
Jones Bessie Martin F
28 June 1898 NC 7 Sept 1975 77 Rutherfordton, Rutherford Co, NC Never Married
William Alonzo Jones Annie Jordan Cool Springs, Forest City, NC Mrs. Jackie Harton
Jones Charlie Henry M
3 May 1891 NC 17 Jan 1954 62Y 8M 14D Shelby, Cleveland Co, NC

Mart Jones Linda Hudson Palm Tree, Cleveland Co, NC Flay Jones
Jones Dock David M Sweeper 23 May 1895 NC 8 June 1953 58Y 0M 15D Lawndale, Cleveland Co, NC M Bessie Jones Mart Jones Linda Hudson Palm Tree, Cleveland Co, NC Mrs Dock Jones
Jones Mary
F Housewife 8 Feb 1902 Cleveland Co, NC 14 Apr 1933 31Y 2M 7D Shelby, Cleveland Co, NC M Dock Jones John Pruett Jane Hunt Palm Tree, Cleveland Co, NC John Pruett
Jones William McKinley M Mill Hand 25 Dec 1897 NC 13 Oct 1918 20Y 9M 18D Lawndale, Cleveland Co, NC S
Martin Jones Lindy Hudson Palm Tree, Cleveland Co, NC Oscar Blanton
Jones Martin Monroe M Spinner
NC 5 Nov 1936 67Y 4M 3D Lawndale, Cleveland Co, NC M Linda Jones Dave Jones Rixie Hunt Palm Tree, Cleveland Co, NC Millard Jones
Jones Linda
F Housewife
Rutherford Co, NC 23 Mar 1945 abt 79 Shelby, Cleveland Co, NC W Mart Jones Ambrose Hudson
Palm Tree, Cleveland Co, NC Dock Jones
Jones Millard Selvester M Sweeper 13 Mar 1891 NC 23 Jan 1960 68Y 10M 10D Lawndale, Cleveland Co, NC W Bert Carter Jones Mart Jones Linda Hudson Palm Tree, Cleveland Co, NC Jack Jones
Jones Nancy Carter F
14 Mar 1885 NC 9 July 1949 64Y 3M 25D Lawndale, Cleveland Co, NC M
Jackson Carter Margaret Peeler Palm Tree, Cleveland Co, NC Miller Jones
Jones William Alonzo M Carpenter
NC 6 Jan 1942 75 Forest City, Rutherford Co, NC M Nannie Jones Alfred Jones Rebecca Jones Cool Springs, Forest City, NC Mrs. William Jones
Jones Carson
M Farmer 30 June 1849 Rutherford Co, NC 10 Dec 1913 64Y 5M 10D Loganston, Rutherford Co, NC S
Jno. Jones
Pritchard Jane
F Cotton Mill 4 Apr 1866 NC 18 Oct 1931 65Y 6M 11D Lawndale, Cleveland Co, NC S
Aaron Pritchard Catherine Moton New Bethel, Cleveland Co, NC Mrs. H. A. Guin
Scism Minnie
F Housewife 17 June 1889 NC 17 Jan 1939 49Y 7M #8 Township, Cleveland Co, NC M Odus Scism Bob Walker Jane Cooke St Paul, Cleveland Co, NC Odus Scism
Scism Joe D M Farmer 14 Jan 1851 Cleveland Co, NC 18 May 1928 77Y 3M 29 No 9, Cleveland Co, NC W Jane Scism Peter Scism
Pleasant Grove, Cleveland Co, NC Frank Scism
Scism Wellmon Cicero M Farmer 30 Oct 1860 NC 28 Apr 1951 90 Shelby, Cleveland Co, NC W
Peter Scism Mary Grigg Double Shoals, Cleveland Co, NC Clem Scism
Scism Bruce
M Farmer
NC 6 July 1947 54Y 7M 15D Shelby, Cleveland Co, NC M Fannie Scism Parem Scism Mary Houser Olive Grove, Cleveland Co, NC Fannie Scism
Scism Forest Franklin M Own Farm 23 May 1889 NC 20 Feb 1953 69Y 8M 25D Shelby, Cleveland Co, NC M
Joe Scism Jane Ledford Pleasant Grove, Cleveland Co, NC Elbert Scism
Scism D Avery M Merchant May 1872 Cleveland Co, NC 21 Nov 1942 70Y No 9, Cleveland Co, NC W
Hoke Scism Melvina Ford New Bethel, Cleveland Co, NC Mrs. Ed Sain
Scism Dulcenia Hoyle F Housewife
Cleveland Co, NC 8 May 1938 81Y Shelby, Cleveland Co, NC W Hoke Scism Joe Hoyle Dycie Chapman Pisgah, Cleveland Co, NC Peter Hoyle
Scism Mary Alice F At Home 7 Dec 1869 NC 31 Oct 1938 69Y 3M 19D No 9, Cleveland Co, NC W Pad Scism Charlie Houser Alice Jonas Mt Vernon, Cleveland Co, NC Bruce Scism